Thursday, March 18, 2010

Winding down Spring Break

I'm sad that Spring Break is almost over. I wish that I could say that I can't wait to get back in my classroom, but I can't. It's been so nice to relax and create when I want to create. Today I did some carving and printing. I took photos along the way.

It's really one of my most favorite things to do!


Matthew Ormerod said...

I think this is pretty fantastic! You've been talking about carving linoleum for a while, and now I can see what it's all about. And I think it's great that you are blogging again. I've half a mind to finally start a blog again for myself.

.blanket.of.stars. said...

Thanks, Matt :) I've been trying to get my friends to carve with me. They don't know what they're missing!